A Welcome Message from our Principal
Welcome to Tullow Community School. We are a multi-denominational mixed gender secondary school with a long and proud tradition of serving the educational needs of our community.
This distinctive record began in 1978 when the school was founded and we continue to be inspired by the educational traditions of the Brigidine Sisters, the Patrician Brothers and Carlow VEC who have been involved in the educational development of the people of Tullow for over 200 years.
These three founders who remain as trustees of the school regarded education as the development of the whole person and placed great emphasis on the academic, spiritual, physical, vocational, practical and social growth of each individual student.
As a school community we continue to nurture the uniqueness of our students and we strive to educate each young person to reach their potential and enable them to be the best that they can be.
We are always seeking educational opportunities to support our students and over the years we have introduced and developed many new programmes and initiatives from the Department of Education and Skills. We offer the following educational programmes – Junior Cert, Junior Cert Schools Programme (JCSP), a voluntary Transition Year, Leaving Cert, Leaving Cert Vocational Programme (LCVP) and Post Leaving Cert courses provided through St. Anne’s College.

Our students are provided with the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of inspiring extra-curricular and sporting activities during their school life . Students are also actively involved in our leadership and support groups within the school such as the Meitheal Programme, the Class Prefect system, the Student Council and the Green Schools Committee. Through these varied opportunities we foster self-esteem and self-belief in our students and develop their skills for life.
School life is multi-faceted; therefore, along with our high expectations for students to reach their potential in the state exams, we also develop their social awareness by raising funds for worthy causes during their time in school. Over the years we have raised money for many different causes through different means including tractor runs and pink hairstyles! Our fundraising is organised annually by teachers, parents and students working together voluntarily to showcase the talents of our students through our fashion show and talent shows. We hope to produce a school musical in the near future and continue to expand the school choir.
Dedicated, caring and committed teachers will support and encourage your son/daughter during their school life here in Tullow Community School. Working in close partnership with you, we want your child to be happy here, to achieve academically, to use and develop his/her many skills, aptitudes and talents and to develop as a caring, sensitive and respectful young person as they confidently take their place in society.
We look forward to welcoming your son/daughter and working closely with you during his/her formative years. Please contact me, or the Deputy Principal’s, Mr. Noel Murphy or Ms. Treana Carey, if we can be of any assistance to you.
Paul Thornton